After over a decade cultivating friendships and exploring life, truth, and faith with young people, I lost my job because I was good at it.

You read that right: they told me that I was so good at my job that I needed to go find another one and I needed to do it on their time table. And that’s just the last page of that chapter. Wait until you read the others.

My story is filled with abuse and exclusion from the evangelical American church.

All I’ve ever wanted is to tell people about God and invite them into the beautiful life that he designed them for. I’ve spent most of my life practicing the way of Jesus and coaching others along their own journeys. Will you let me be your coach?

This is my love letter to those who crave an authentic faith in the God of the Bible. It’s an invitation to those who would be interested in following Jesus without all the scandals, religious trappings, and exclusionary practices. This is my effort to help you burn brightly, but not be consumed by religion, culture, or anything else.

You are loved, wanted, and more valuable that you’ll ever know. I hope you find rest here. I hope you are challenged here. And, I hope you leave encouraged and empowered to follow Jesus faithfully, humbly, and without shame.

Let’s call a spade a spade and be done with hollow, unsatisfying lives, once and for all. Let’s take Jesus at his word when he said that he meant for us to have life to the full. Finally, let’s explore a life of faith according to the Scriptures for ourselves, not according to someone else’s ideas or agenda.

Emily Hope Brown

I’m passionate about equipping people to really, truly follow Jesus and asking all of their questions along the way. I’m not afraid of a hard conversation or a difficult question because he isn’t. I’m ready to fight burn out and hustle culture with all that I’ve got. I believe that beyond the horizon of a difficult life and painful suffering, there’s Jesus, inviting us out of the dark and night, into the day and light.